A collection of 1124 posts
Religion, LGBTQ and Sexual Education – the politics of fear and the public school system
Canadian Muslims

Religion, LGBTQ and Sexual Education – the politics of fear and the public school system

[] By Jeewan Chanicka (February 27, 2015) – Recently, there has been a lot of concern brewing about Ontario’s new Health and Physical Education curriculum, especially as it pertains to sex education. Reactions have been strong with some advocates seeing it as
5 min read
NCCM pushes back against Conservative MP questions: 'McCarthyesque-type' questions unbecoming
Bill C-51

NCCM pushes back against Conservative MP questions: 'McCarthyesque-type' questions unbecoming

[] (March 13, 2015) – “McCarthyesque-type questions protected by parliamentary privilege are unbecoming of this committee,” Ihsaan Gardee, National Council of Canadian Muslims Executive Director, told Conservative MP Diane Ablonczy during expert testimony Thursday night [
2 min read