Spread kindness this Ramadan! 5 ways to get involved locally

1. Donate Iftar meals: Help those in need break their fast by donating meals to a local shelter. (e.g. ANSAAR Foundation: @https://www.facebook.com/AnsaarFoundation1/; Sakeenah Homes: @https://www.facebook.com/SakeenahCanada)
2. Offer support to others: Reach out to those who are grieving, having lost a loved one since the last Ramadan, or the sick, or elderly. Consider sending them dates, an Iftar meal, or simply offering a friendly visit.
3. Support local hospitals: Many Muslim communities organize campaigns to benefit hospitals. Find one near you and contribute! (e.g. @https://shnfoundation.akaraisin.com/ui/SMC)
4. Give in a lasting way: Honor loved ones with a "Tree of Giving" or a family charity (Waqf) fund. Encourage family and friends to contribute to your fund instead of Eid, birthday, anniversary, or other celebratory gifts (e.g. @https://www.olivetreefoundation.ca/services-3)
5. Donate gently used items: Clean out your belongings and donate clothes, household items, or non-perishable food to a local shelter or donate $1 a day during Ramadan to a food bank (@http://www.give30.ca)