A call for Canadian support for the ICC’s work with respect to Palestine/Israel

By Alex Neve
I am honoured to be among 375 Canadian law professors, lawyers, legal scholars, academics, civil society, faith and labour movement leaders, and former diplomats and parliamentarians, who have written the following Open Letter to the Prime Minister calling for his government to to issue a clear statement of support for the work of the International Criminal Court with respect to the situation in Palestine, which includes the following key elements:
- Canada fully respects the ICC, unequivocally embraces the Court’s independence, and unconditionally supports the work of the Court in this matter, including investigations of alleged crimes committed by both Israeli and Hamas officials.
- Canada will fully cooperate with the ICC in the Palestine situation, in keeping with Canada’s obligations under the Rome Statute, including providing any assistance requested with respect to evidence and witnesses, and executing arrest warrants if any individuals sought by the Court come within Canadian jurisdiction.
- Canada condemns any threats made against ICC personnel in connection with this situation, or any situations or cases pursued by the Court, and specifically calls on all actors, both at home and abroad, to refrain from imposing or threatening to impose any sanctions or taking any other retaliatory measures against judges and court staff.
- Canada resolutely agrees that universality is a cardinal principle of international justice. No one should be excluded from accountability for crimes under international law, regardless of their nationality, political status, power and influence, or whether they serve in a democratic, autocratic or dictatorial government, or are part of an armed group.
- Canada calls on all governments, particularly those of ICC member states, to make similar expressions of unwavering support for and commitment to cooperate fully with the ICC, in relation to this and all matters under investigation or before the court.
The full letter, including the 375 endorsements, in English and French, is below, or at the two links:
Open Letter to Prime Minister Trudeau, May 29, 2024, English
Lettre Ouverte au Premier Ministre Trudeau, 29 mai, 202 Français
- About Alex Neve: https://www.alexneve.ca/
[Source: https://www.alexneve.ca/blog/a-call-for-canadian-support-for-the-iccs-palestineisrael-case]