Olive Tree Foundation announces grant to advance Christian-Muslim relationships in Canada

The Olive Tree Foundation has announced that a grant has been awarded to of the Canadian Council of Churches and the National Muslim Christian Liaison Committee for the project, ‘Canadian Christian-Muslim Network Online Resource.'
The project will support Christian-Muslim dialogue and relations in Canada through a dedicated website that will be an interactive tool and a networking ‘hub’ for local communities and individuals wishing to begin or deepen Christian-Muslim dialogue or relationships.
“The Canadian Council of Churches is very pleased to partner with the Olive Tree Foundation in its collaboration and cooperation with the National Christian Muslim Liaison Committee to promote friendships, mutual understanding, dialogue and shared action in both the Muslim and Christian faith communities,” said Pastor Peter Noteboom, General Secretary of the Canadian Council of Churches. “The support of the Olive Tree Foundation makes hand-in-hand connections possible.”
The online resource website will include a searchable database of Muslim-Christian groups and organizations in Canada; a curated library of existing resources for Christian-Muslim work, with a focus on Canadian materials; a bi-weekly blog that will feature inspiring stories about Canadian groups and individual leaders, Muslim-Christian events in Canada, and tips and resources for beginning and deepening Christian-Muslim relations.
A key goal of the project is to inspire local community work, especially in places where it is not happening already.
"The Olive Tree Foundation is very pleased to fund the ‘Canadian Christian-Muslim Network Onlne Resource and support the important work of building interfaith relationships,” said Muhammed Haseeb Ali, Treasurer of the Olive Tree Foundation, in announcing the grant. "This project will advance interfaith dialogue and relationships between Canada’s Christians and Muslims."
The Olive Tree Foundation is a philanthropic foundation that promotes community development through the collection of endowed funds and charitable contributions to fund services for the long-term benefit of the community.
The Canadian Council of Churches (CCC) is a broad and inclusive ecumenical body, now representing 26-member churches including Anglican; Eastern and Roman Catholic; Evangelical; Free Church; Eastern and Oriental Orthodox; and Historic Protestant traditions. Together these member churches comprise 85% of the Christians in Canada.
The National Muslim Christian Liaison Committee brings representatives of Muslim and Christian organizations into a forum for respectful dialogue on themes of common interest, and for the exchange of and response to faith- related concerns and areas of sensitivity between Muslims and Christians. Founded in 1984, NMCLC has sponsored regular dialogue and learning events, consulted on documents and resources and collaborated on social issues.