Canadian Muslim convention set for July 1 - 3 in Toronto

The Muslim Association of Canada (MAC) has announced that they will be holding a convention from July 1 to July 3, 2022 at the Enercare Centre in Toronto.
"On behalf of the Muslim Association of Canada (MAC), we are excited and honoured to invite you to attend a one-of-a-kind experiential conference this summer, inshaAllah!," said the organization.
The theme of the convention is "Thriving in the Path of Allah (Tareeq Al-Istiqamah - طريق الاستقامة) and will be addressed by scholars, writers, thinkers, influencers, activists, and professionals.
"As we find ourselves in a post-covid world, and as a community of diverse Canadian Muslims entering a new phase of Canadian identity, this is the conference where creativity, hope, solidarity, and inspiration meet on a path where we, as an ummah will collectively Thrive in the Path of Allah(swt), inshaAllah."
The convention will offer programming for families, youth, young professionals, new Muslims, and artists.
The Muslim Association of Canada (MAC) is a Canadian, independent, national, faith-based, charitable organization, that provides spaces, services and programs for holistic education and personal development for Canadian Muslims.
"Do not come to sit and listen and go back home. You will leave with an understanding of the latest issues, trends and research impacting Muslims in Canada and a deeper understanding of how you can be an agent of impact within the wider discourse.
For more information, visit for updates on the program and registration.