Toronto Mosque responds to Omicron variant and hosts vaccination clinic

The TARIC Islamic Centre hosted a vaccine clinic on Monday, December 20th as Torontonians scramble to get their third doses and to have their children vaccinated due to the rapid spread of the Omicron variant.
“We would like to take this opportunity to thank the staff of Humber River Hospital and our volunteers for their stellar performance,” said the TARIC Islamic Centre in a social media post. “It was once again well conducted and there were numerous high praises and comments regarding the efficiency of the clinic.”
“A total of about 375 vaccines (adult booster and first dose pediatric) were administered.”

The TARIC Islamic Centre is located at a busy Toronto intersection at the northeast corner of Highways 400 and 401.
One attendee commended the mosque for hosting the clinic, “Imam, just letting you know how much we appreciate you providing this service in your facility. The staff was very courteous and polite. The operation was very well organized. Great service for the community.”
Given the emergence of the Omicron variant and the ongoing transmission of the Delta variant, Canadians are being urged to get vaccinated and follow public health guidance. Getting the COVID-19 vaccine lowers the risk of serious illness, hospitalization and death, while protecting individuals and the wider community from getting sick.

Over the past 2 years, the TARIC Centre has been at the forefront in hosting COVID-19 vaccine clinics and educating the Muslim community about vaccines.
“As the first Mosque hosting a pediatric clinic, gift bags prepared by TARIC’s lead clinic volunteers were a great treat for the kids who came for their vaccination,” added the Centre. “We would like to thank the Canadian Muslim COVID Task Force for their continued support by adding a special brand of socks “halal socks” to the gift bags.”

Meanwhile, the Imam of the TARIC Islamic Centre, Shaykh Imran Ally, sent a year-end message to the congregation and prayers to offer solace and comfort to members in these difficult times.

“The pandemic is an overwhelming crisis, which none of us saw coming. It has affected each and everyone in our lives, and we are all feeling anxious for the safety of our loved ones and everyone, especially those who are vulnerable around the world,” said Imam Shaykh Imran Ally. “These are difficult times, but we must constantly remember that Allaah is always with us and wanting the best for us. We find solace in His presence.”
“We ask Allaah to grant us patience, to strengthen our reliance on Him, and to increase us in our faith and good deeds. Allaah says, {And your Sustainer says: "Call unto Me, [and] I shall respond to you!}. The Prophet ﷺ said, “Supplication is the essence of worship.”
“Please join me in du’a to beg Allaah to continue to protect all of us during these unprecedented times, “in the name of Allaah with Whose name there is protection against every kind of harm on earth or in the sky (hereafter), and He is All-Hearing and All-Knowing.”