New fund launched to support resettlement of 20,000 Afghan refugees

Today, the City of Toronto, together with United Way Greater Toronto (UWGT) and Lifeline Afghanistan are partnering to launch the Toronto Region Afghan Resettlement Fund to help support the incoming refugees from Afghanistan.
“Toronto is a city that is known to be a place filled with people who want to support one another and today’s announcement further demonstrates that spirit. Toronto will become a destination for thousands of people fleeing Afghanistan and we need to rally together to welcome them,” said Mayor John Tory.
“This is an opportunity for Torontonians and all Canadians to once again show their compassion and commitment to helping others and to work together to support the resettlement efforts. We have done it before and we can do it again and our city and our country will be stronger for it. This new Toronto Afghan Resettlement Fund will ensure that newcomers have a strong foundation and good start in their new home.”
The collaboration among these partners and the City will provide direct resettlement support for the many Afghan refugees who will choose to live in Toronto from the at least 20,000 who will make Canada their new home.
“When it comes to helping people build a better life in the GTA, and helping our region harness all the talent that newcomers have to offer – United Way’s strong network of community agencies is there, each and every day, every step of the way, in crisis and for the long haul,” said Ruth Crammond, Vice President, Community Investment & Development, United Way Greater Toronto.
“We thank the teams at local settlement agencies who are the first point of contact when people arrive from Afghanistan, arranging for housing, work and school in the early weeks of resettlement, and then supporting individuals and families as they continue their settlement journey. Thank you to the City of Toronto for leading this effort to show the world that Toronto is a welcoming place we all can love to call home”
Individuals or corporations can support the Fund by:
- Donating to United Way Greater Toronto , which will distribute funds to frontline community agencies helping Afghan individuals and families settle in the GTA.
- Donating goods or services to the City, such as school supplies, clothing, household items and computers to support those resettling. A full list of items that are needed, as well as how to donate them, can be found here
- Engagement to support sponsoring families and individuals can be made through Lifeline Afghanistan
Lifeline Afghanistan is mobilizing individuals, community groups, post secondary institutions and corporations to support urgent resettlement efforts. The organization is also encouraging and facilitating private sponsorship of Afghan refugees, as well supporting pathways to jobs, skills development and education opportunities.
United Way Greater Toronto builds and strengthens a network of agencies that is the GTA’s social safety net. United Way’s ongoing funding for a network of community agencies – including settlement focused agencies — supports programs that offer a range of services to support immigrants and refugees with basic survival needs.
Funds donated to the Toronto Region Afghan Resettlement Fund will support a variety of frontline community agencies that will help Afghan individuals and families settle into their new home, including providing housing and employment support, food, clothing and community connections.
The City’s role includes accepting corporate or large-scale donations for distribution to community agencies; coordinating policies, strategies and structures to respond to arrivals of newcomers and refugees through the Toronto Newcomer Office and partner with United Way Greater Toronto, Lifeline Afghanistan and other partners to coordinate support.
An advisory committee is being formed to strengthen partnerships and provide accountability for the management and distribution of the funds.
To donate or learn more visit here