The National Muslim Christian Liaison Committee (NMCLC) expresses outrage and profound sorrow at the mass murder of a Muslim family in London, Ontario. This act of unspeakable hatred and Islamophobia took the lives of 4 members of the same family, ranging in age from 15 to 74 years old, and left a nine-year old hospitalized with serious injuries.
We, Christian and Muslim leaders in Canada, join in condemning this intentional act of religiously motivated hate and violence.
May God Almighty have mercy on the deceased, grant them an elevated status in paradise and give the mourning relatives and Canadian Muslims patience through this time of trial. We are taught that our communities are like one body. When one part suffers, we all suffer. As people of faith we are deeply distressed that once again Canadian Muslims have become targets of fear and hate-filled violence. We are aware that this hateful attack has led to many Muslims feeling fearful, unsafe and vulnerable. Please know that we are here to support you and that we are committed to confronting Islamophobia and all forms of racism, hate, and discrimination.
We join with London’s Mayor Ed Holder to call for action as words are not enough. “This act of unspeakable hatred, this act of Islamophobia, must be followed by acts of compassion, acts of kindness, acts of empathy, acts of solidarity — justice — and, above all else, love.”
The National Muslim Christian Liaison Committee of Canada is a forum for respectful dialogue on themes of common interest and for the exchange of faith-related concerns and areas of sensitivity between Muslims and Christians, through official representatives of both faiths. We seek to build long-lasting friendships and cooperation between Christians and Muslims, and to work toward a society based in values of compassion, respect and collaboration.
Reverend Tuula Van Gaasbeek
Muneeb Nasir Co-Chairs, NMCLC