Muslim's Response to Indigenous National Day of Prayer

This Prayer is being offered by the Muslim community for the National Day of Prayer called by Indigenous Elders and Knowledge Keepers for Sunday, June 6 2021 on behalf of the 215 Children found at the site of a residential school in Kamloops, BC, and for all Children who have been harmed, the Survivors, their Families and Communities who continue to live with the impacts of the residential school system today.The National Turtle Lodge Council of Elders and Knowledge Keepers would like to thank the Muslim community for their compassionate support.With - National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation

In the Name of GOD, The Compassionate, The Merciful.

Most Merciful and Loving GOD, Giver of Life and Guider of Hearts, Praise and Glory be to You.

Guide us to Your blessed path, the path of righteousness.

Our Lord, we approach You, weak and lowly.

To you, Most Merciful GOD, we stretch out our hands and from You, our Lord, we hope for kindness.

Most Merciful and Loving GOD, we supplicate to You as we struggle with the unspeakable atrocities committed by settler colonialists against the Indigenous people of Turtle Island and the shameful legacy of the residential schools in this land that led to the loss of the lives of so many innocent children.

Our Lord, in Your Mercy we seek relief for our Indigenous sisters and brothers from the pain, suffering and trauma as they mourn the terrible loss of their children.

Our Lord, we pray for unity, understanding and a peaceful resolution of issues facing the First Peoples of this land and all settlers of Turtle Island.

Our Lord, help us to obtain strength for the sake of the weary, hope for those who are discouraged, and joy for each and every one who is downhearted.

Most Merciful and Loving GOD, we ask You to relieve the pain and suffering of people who are subjected to acts of terror, violence, discrimination and marginalization.

Our Lord, we ask You to grant peace and security to the innocent everywhere and protect their lives, land, homes, properties and places of worship.

Most Merciful and Loving GOD, forgive our violation of Your creation.

Our Lord, inspire us with Your divine Mercy so that our hearts may be full of compassion, not of anger, that our hearts may be instruments of forgiveness, not of revenge, that we may experience genuine love, not hate.

Our Lord, we ask for protection for our hearts, lest they become hardened at the sight of suffering.

In all our actions, we ask for compassion for the suffering that surrounds us.

May we always recall the preciousness of every life and minimize unneeded hurt and destruction.

May we always appreciate our deep interconnectedness, as common citizens of one Earth.

May our own words arise from the depth of prayer.

May they never incite or be the source of suffering and violence.

May our words have the power to heal and soothe rather than to incite and inflame.

Our Lord, we petition You this day - accept our repentance, cleanse us of our misdeeds, answer our prayers, substantiate our pleas, guide our hearts, straighten our tongues and banish all ill-will from our breasts.

O GOD, You are peace and from You comes Peace. Blessed are you, the Majestic and Generous.