A Message of Compassion and Solidarity to Our Indigenous Relatives

In the Name of Allah, The Merciful, Compassionate Creator:
We, the undersigned Canada-based Muslim community organizations, offer our deepest regret, condolences and solidarity in this time of incalculable grief. We seek your forgiveness for the inhumane colonial policies of Canada and the systemic injustices that still continue.
The discovery of hundreds-upon-hundreds of graves of innocent children — stolen from their families, abused, tortured and starved in the name of European imperialism — has left us numb with pain and shame.
We acknowledge that the oppression and persecution of the Indigenous Nations was genocide. We do not claim to know the depth of your pain. Our hearts are broken and our souls are burdened for our ignorance and for our silence. Our own experience with European colonialism should have compelled us to reach out, to learn and to listen to your stories. For this neglect — and in spite of this — we stand humbled and grateful for your gracious generosity.
Our pledge to you as Relatives: We will stand and work with you to bring healing, justice and peace with Truth and Reconciliation.
In Peace and Prayers:
Al-Hijra Islamic School
Bukhari Academy
Canadian Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee
Canadian Arab Federation
Canadian Arab Institute
Canadian Centre for Deen Studies
Canadian Council of Ahlus Sunnah W’alaikum Jama’ah
Canadian Council of Imams
Canadian Council of Muslim Women (Montreal Chapter)
Canadian Muslim Civil Liberties Association
Canadian Muslim Counselling
Canadian Muslim Leadership Institute
Canadian Muslim Women’s Institute
Canadian Palestinian Association of Manitoba
Canadians Against Oppression and Persecution
Cordoba Centre for Civic Engagement & Leadership
Crescent Relief Canada
Durham Muslim Alliance
Family Honour Project (London, Ontario)
Federation of Muslim Women
Islamic Association of Saskatchewan, Regina
Islamic Family & Social Services Association Edmonton
Islamic History Month Canada
Islamic Information & Dawah Centre International
Islamic Institute of Toronto
Islamic Social Services Association
Islamic Society of Kingston
Justice for All Canada
Kanata Muslim Association
London Women Anti-Hate Collective
Manitoba Islamic Association
Mathabah Institute
Muslim Council of Peel
Muslim Food Bank and Community Services
National Council of Canadian Muslims
Noor Cultural Centre Toronto
Ottawa Muslim Association
Ottawa Muslim Women’s Organization
Queen’s University Muslim Students’ Association
Rohingya Human Rights Network
Sayeda Khadija Centre
Soofi Association of North America
Tarbiyah Learning Academy
Uyghur Rights Advocacy Project
Winnipeg Islamic Centre