Study released on needs of Muslims with disabilities

DEEN Support Services released a study last week that explores the needs of Muslims with disabilities and identifies critical gaps faced by these individuals.
The ‘Count Us In: Muslims with Disabilities and their Families in Canada’ study was funded by the Olive Tree Foundation and is aimed at continuing the dialogue on the inclusion of Muslims with disabilities in Muslim spaces in Canada. In addition, the study aims to enhance inclusion for Muslims with disabilities within mainstream Canadian disability, health and social services.
In 2007, the Canadian Association of Muslims with Disabilities (CAM-D), the leading capacity building organization for Muslims with disabilities in Canada, published ‘Towards an Inclusive Ummah: Muslims with Disabilities Speak Out’ which was also funded by the Olive Tree Foundation.
As one of the few community-based research studies to explore the needs of individuals at the intersections of Muslimness and disability in Canada, the 2007 study identified critical gaps experienced by Muslims with disabilities.
Eventually, DEEN Support Services was founded as a charitable agency providing services to Muslims with disabilities by CAM-D’s leadership, to implement certain recommendations outlined by the 2007 study.
The purpose of the current study is to:
- construct a demographic profile of Muslims with disabilities in Canada;
- explore the experiences of Muslims with disabilities in Canada with mainstream disability, health and social services;
- assess progress in the inclusiveness of Muslim spaces towards Muslims with disabilities by exploring the experiences of Muslims with disabilities in Muslim spaces;
- and finally, provide recommendations so that Muslim spaces and mainstream disability, health and social services can be more responsive to the needs of Muslims with disabilities in Canada.