A Message to Canadians from Religious Leaders in Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic

On March 30, 2020, more than 80 religious leaders from across Canada issued a common message to all who call Canada home, expressing the need for hope, gratitude and solidarity in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
This ecumenical and interfaith message is a response by religious leaders from across Canada which was initiated by the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops and The Canadian Rabbinic Caucus with the support and coordination of The Canadian Council of Churches and the Canadian Interfaith Conversation.
The full English message is below and also available online in English (https://www.councilofchurches.ca/news/hope-gratitude-and-solidarity/) and French (https://www.conseildeseglises.ca/les-nouvelles/esperance-gratitude-et-solidarite/).