TDSB Appoints Abdul Hai Patel as Ward 21 Trustee

The Toronto District School Board trustees have appointed Abdul Hai Patel as the new Trustee for Ward 21 (Scarborough-Rouge River).
Patel was the successful candidate following an open application process that was launched to replace Neethan Shan who was elected to Toronto City Council in February.
“As a full time community volunteer, I am ready to bring my energy and time to this important role and serve the residents of Ward 21 with integrity and ensure that the same opportunities my children received in the public system are there for future generations across our great city,” said Abdul Hai Patel, Trustee Designate.
As a long-time resident of Scarborough, Patel helped develop the TDSB’s first Faith Accommodation Guide and has acted as a resource to the TDSB’s Human Rights and Equity Office on matters of faith and cultural accommodations.
He currently serves as a member of the TDSB Equity Policy Advisory Committee.
“Abdul has experience, strong Scarborough community roots and is an advocate for public education. He’s perfectly suited for the job,” said Robin Pilkey, Chair of the TDSB.
A retired imam, Abdul Hai Patel has been a commissioner for the Ontario Human Rights Commission, member of the national Board of Governors for Scouts Canada, a police chaplain, civic leader and board member on a number of community-based, non-profit organizations.
Abdul Hai Patel is a father of three children — all graduates of TDSB schools —and has a passion for diversity and inclusion.