Jews to form ‘ring of peace’ around Toronto Mosque on Friday

Members of Toronto’s Holy Blossom Temple will form a human chain, a ‘ring of peace, around the Imdadul Islamic Centre this coming Friday while Muslim worshippers attend the weekly prayer service.
“After the terrorist attack against people at prayer, the President of the Centre Culturel Islamique de Quebec cried out: ‘Why is this happening here?’,” said the synagogue in their announcement. “We ask the same question. There is no room for such bigotry and violence in Canada.”
A similar initiative was organized last year in Europe.
In 2015, a group of young Muslims in Norway formed a ‘ring of peace’ around Oslo’s main synagogue following a series of attacks against Jews in Europe.
“We want to demonstrate that Jews and Muslims do not hate each other,” co-organiser Zeeshan Abdullah told the Oslo crowd of over 1,000 people at the time. “We do not want individuals to define what Islam is for the rest of us.”
The Imam of the Imdadul Islamic Centre will be delivering a sermon about Faith in Humanity.
“For three years this local mosque has graciously welcomed our Bar/Bat Mitzvah class for their comparative religions unit,” said The Holy Blossom Temple announcement. “The Imam and Lay leaders are exemplars of hospitality and kindness. Members of their congregation come from all over the world – the Caribbean, Africa, Asia, and the Middle East.”
“With their permission, we will create a symbolic ring of protection around the congregation as they pray inside. This will be a quiet gathering. No chants or speeches.”
The Holy Blossom Temple is a Reform synagogue and is the oldest Jewish congregation in Toronto. Founded in 1856, it has more than 7,000 members.
For further information on the event click here