Christian, Jewish Leaders to Join Muslims in Friday Prayers in Washington

In the aftermath of the election and in response to the rising hate crimes in the U.S. against Muslims, national Christian and Jewish leaders will join their Muslim colleagues at Masjid Muhammad(1519 4th Street NW, Washington DC) on Friday, November 18, 2016 for the daily Muslim prayer service.
Before prayers, the national faith leaders will stand together at the mosque 12:00 p.m. ET to demonstrate interfaith cooperation and solidarity, and to call on the incoming administration to protect religious liberty and defend Muslims against violence, hate speech and discrimination.
The leaders, organized by Shoulder-to-Shoulder, an interfaith organization dedicated to ending anti-Muslim bigotry, will release a joint letter calling on the President-elect to affirm his election night promise to be a president for all Americans, including those who are Muslim.
Leaders expected to participate include: Dr. Peter Vander Meulen of the Christian Reform Church, the Rev. Dr. Carol Flett of Washington National Cathedral, Bishop Bill Gafkjen of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, Rabbi Rachel Gartner of Georgetown University, Rabbi Jack Moline of Interfaith Alliance, Rabbi Esther Lederman of the Union for Reform Judaism, Azhar Azeez, President, ISNA, Imam Mohamed Magid of the ADAMS Center, Imam Talib Shareef of Masjid Muhammad, Catherine Orsborn of Shoulder-to-Shoulder, and more.