Canada Day Iftar welcomes Syrian Newcomers

A Canada Day Iftar and fundraiser organized by IDRF will welcome recent Syrian newcomers and help them celebrate their first Canada Day.
“We will be hosting Syrian refugee families and showing them how we celebrate our blessed month of Ramadan and celebrate this beautiful country on Canada Day and how we can corporate both of these things and not feel it is a burden to do so during Ramadan,” Sherry Mirza of the International Development and Relief Foundation (IDRF) told
The event will be held at the Elite Banquet Hall at 1850 Albion Road in Toronto and political representatives and civic leaders have been invited to join in the celebration. Well-known Muslim leader, Dr Munir El-Kassem, will deliver the keynote address.
The benefit Iftar will be in aid of the Muslim Water Fund which supports water well projects in various countries.
“The Muslim Water Fund was created in order to act as a fundraising agent for the partner charity or non-profit organization and solely strives to gather funds for water projects,” states the organization on their website.
“We are a group of volunteers focused on the creation of water wells and systems in areas around the world that have water deficiency issues.”
IDRF (International Development and Relief Foundation) is a Canadian registered charitable organization dedicated to empowering the disadvantaged people of the world. Since 1984, IDRF has implemented relief and development projects across territories in South and Southeast Asia, Africa, the Americas, Eastern Europe and the Middle East.