An Inspiration Tour by RIS

Reviving the Islamic Spirit (RIS) will be holding a five-city lecture tour titled, “The Revolution Within Tour”, starting in London, Ontario on August 19th and ending in Montreal, Quebec on August 21st.
“For sometime now, RIS has received numerous requests and suggestions on taking it’s message to various communities across Canada and beyond to share and inspire each other and present a hopeful vision of change that promises a better future,” Fouzan Khan, Founder and Director of RIS, told
“This is an initiative to bring the RIS experience to multiple cities, a ‘sneak preview’ of what the 3-day convention hopes to accomplish,” he added. “This is intended to be a beginning of engagement and a new direction in inspiring our community to it’s potential.”
The featured speakers on the tour are Shaykh Dr. Muhammad bin Yahya al-Husayni al-Ninowy, Imam Khalid Latif, Sister Linda Sarsour, Dawud Wharnsby, Dr. Munir ElKassem, Imam Qassim Khan and Ustadh Feraidoon Mojadedi.
Reviving the Islamic Spirit (RIS) Convention is held annually in December and is the largest Muslim gathering Canada.
“This year will mark the 15th Anniversary of RIS, InshaAllah,” said Fouzan Khan. “What better time to renew our commitment and initiate an effort that makes RIS and it’s message more accessible.”
“We are truly very excited to present this inspiration tour and share in this new experience together.”