Olive Tree Foundation - a charity that makes a difference

(July 3, 2014) – The Olive Tree Foundation, Canada’s oldest waqf (endowment) institution, has announced its Annual Ramadan Campaign to raise funds in support of local projects and make a difference in the community.
The Foundation, which is celebrating its tenth anniversary this year, has given tens of thousands of dollars in grants to Canadian charities as well as scholarships and bursaries to students.
”Canadian Muslims can make a significant contribution to our society if we were to direct a portion of our Ramadan donations annually to projects in this country,” said Muneeb Nasir, President of the Olive Tree Foundation told Iqra.ca. “The Olive Tree Foundation funds come from two sources – named awqaaf (endowments) that has been set up by Canadians, and the Annual Ramadan campaign.”

In its effort to continue funding innovative and change inducing projects in Canada, the Olive Tree Foundation has launched its Annual Ramadan Campaign.
“One unique aspect of the Foundation’s work is that all the money is generated through endowment funds and donations by Canadians, and is invested back in Canada, to make life better right here at home,” said Naeem Siddiqi, Vice-President of the Olive Tree Foundation. “Through strategic and judicious use of these grants the Olive Tree Foundation has created positive change in the community.”
The donations from last year’s Ramadan Campaign have been used to make a difference, according to Naeem Siddiqi.

He said that the grants awarded to charities this past year reduced the isolation of newcomers, and taught them valuable skills by funding sewing clubs in Thorncliffe through The Intergeneration Community Network Services; provided computing resources for young artists, through funding the building of computers at the Youth Troopers for Global Awareness’s space in Studio 89; and increased awareness of the role of Muslims and Islam in Canada though funding of Environics Institute’s Survey of Canadian Muslims.
“We trust we can once again count on the generous support of the community this year, so that we can continue to fund such ground-breaking projects,” said Muneeb Nasir. “Let’s make life better … right here at home.”
Find information about the campaign here: Annual Ramadan campaign
Donations can be made online at: http://bit.ly/1vwddPT