Imam AbdurRashid Taylor appointed New Ontario Regional Chaplain

(February 3, 2014) – Imam Michael AbdurRashid Taylor has been appointed as the new Ontario Regional Chaplain, according to Correctional Service Canada.
“The Ontario Region is pleased to introduce Imam Michael AbdurRashid Taylor who has assumed the responsibilities of Regional Chaplaincy effective December 9, 2013,” Correctional Service Canada said in a communiqué. “Imam Taylor comes to the position bringing a long and varied expression of concern for spiritual and religious care for those in need.”
Imam Taylor replaces Fr. Ted Hughes after his 10 years of service with the Correctional Service of Canada. Father Hughes will be returning to ministry in his home Diocese of Hamilton.
“Imam Taylor’s long-standing chaplaincy experience along with his knowledge of professional management practices will be of great value to the Correctional Service of Canada,” according to the communiqué.
Imam Taylor holds a Master of Theological Studies degree from Regis College of the Toronto School of Theology in the University of Toronto and is a graduate of the Rotman School of Management’s Leadership Development Program.
“This recent position is a major achievement in my own career, and it comes after delivering spiritual and religious care in Canadian institutions for over 20 years,” Imam Taylor told IQRA. “This appointment marks a significant achievement for Muslim communities in Canada, for one of us to be recognized in a position of leadership in the Correctional Service of Canada, and comes at a time of significant change in the service.”
“I hope to contribute positively to that change and, Insha’Allah, I will continue my strong contacts and broaden my presence in my role as a leader in the wider Canadian community,” he added.
Imam AbdurRashid Taylor is the Secretary of the Canadian Council of Imams and a past Chair of the Ontario Central Region of the Canadian Association for Spiritual Care and has worked as a Mental Health Professional and Organizational Development Leader for over 15 years.
He has held varied positions including Manager of Spiritual and Religious Care at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, Coordinator of the Canadian Certificate of Muslim Studies Program at Emmanuel College of the University of Toronto and SW Regional Manager of the Ontario Multifaith Council.
He has also worked as a consultant on a variety of fields that include Diversity, Religious Accommodation and Healing Approaches. Imam Taylor has had a lengthy relationship with the Ontario Multifaith Council and was engaged in the transformation of Chaplaincy Services offered in various provincial institutions. He is the Director of Islamic Chaplaincy Services Canada.