Photo competition captures spirit of Ramadan

An International Ramadan Photography Competition has been launched in an effort to share with the world the essence of the Holy month.
The International Professional Ramadan Photography Competition showcases the skills and imagination of talented photographers from around the world as they share their techniques and personal anecdotes about cultural and religious traditions during Ramadan.
Ramadan is not only considered to be the most spiritual month in the Islamic calendar but is also a time for families and friends to reunite in peace, prayer and piety.
Fasting from sunrise to sunset as a form of spiritual cleansing, self-discipline and empathy for the less fortunate, Muslims during Ramadan practice tolerance, forgiveness and perform good deeds.
It is in this spirit that photographers are being invited by the organization to share their best photography in a unique and unprecedented 30-day visual celebration that will educate and enlighten thousands of viewers around the world.
The competition is open to talented photographers around the world over the age of 18.
Cash prizes will be awarded and winners will have their photos published.
Participants are encouraged to photograph all things Ramadan: people in prayer, holy places, mosques, iftar and suhoor foods, family gatherings, and even inspiring natural beauty and landscapes taken during the month of Ramadan.
In its first year, the Capture the Spirit of Ramadan International Photography Competition attracted 25,000 photographers and photography fans and over 600 unique photos from 40 countries!
Also, the photographers and fans speak 16 different languages, belong to 5 different religions and range in age from 13 to 69.
The competition has been trademarked in the USA and prizes in excess of $5,000 were given out and sponsors from Kuwait, Jordan, Bosnia and the UK also joined.
– The First Place winner will be awarded U.S. $2,000
– The Second Place winner will be awarded U.S. $1,000
– The Third Place winner will be awarded U.S. $500
* The top 100 photographs will be displayed on the competition website, until Ramadan 2013.
* There will be 3 Viewers’ Choice winners as well as two 2 honorable mentions. The Viewer’s Choice winners will be those whose photos have the most “Likes” on the Facebook page,, and they each will be awarded US $200.
What you need to know
– Competition begins on the first day of Ramadan, and ends on the last day of Ramadan.
– Each person can upload up to 3 images per day, which will be uploaded on facebook.
– The top 100 photographs will be displayed on the competition website, until Ramadan 2013
– Winners of the competition will be chosen on or around October 1st, 2012, and will be notified via Facebook and email. In the event that a winner does not claim his or her prize within ten (10) days of the notification, the prize will be forfeited.
* Stay tuned on the GPP blog and for updates!